I just thought I would drop you a quick line! You'll be back in Colorado in December right? I don't know what else to say, just take care of yourself and have fun learning all of the complex things you are learning!
date: 2002-07-28 11:41:00 -0500 date_gmt: "" id: 33
I can’t sleep. It Sucks A Lot. I have been trying to sleep for the past couple of hours and it isn’t working. I have given up on sleep. it is 12:15 and i need to be up in about an hour so i’ll just sleep later. i am sitting around playing video games with my roomate and Waylon, it is fun. we are playing redcard 2003. It is OK. At 1:00 or so we are going to get donuts and coffee at a donut shop by my house. yippee. I hope that we get done quickly tomarrow. I am enjoying school aside from the fact that i have to go to school so early that it messes with my head alot. In about 3 weeks i will be done getting up early and will start doing 8-5 school which will be nice. I am going to go into the NDT\spec tech program. NDT is non-destructive testing. This is what you do to test welds and corrosion on metal and other materials. It is used everywhere from car manufacturers to brewerys. It sounds like it will be a good time and if it isn’t i can quickly switch to the med tech program. I have been doing some thinking and i think that I need to get back on a normal sleep schedule, this isn’t going to happen anytime soon because i work from 4pm-12am on fri and sat so that will mess me up again. I am tired and whiney. Did anyone like the pictures of my school?? it is the one without the swimming pool. I love you very much sarah and am very excited to marry you. i love you mom and dad. Scooter get well. love you harper. Hee Hee.