Harper actually has remorse

Posted on May 18, 2007

So today I saw this on my twitter:

nata2: fixing dylans blog… i mean.. “upgrading”

So I sent Harper a nice little message to find out how he was screwing up my stuff. Right after I asked I had to go to a meeting so I kind of left him hanging. Here is the chat:

me: what are you doing to my blog

Harper: fixing it ;)

3:46 PM i helped my buddy scott with his blog

and in the process found some cool plugins

so i added them to your blog

me: oh i see

Harper: you were not around

i added


so you can see who is coming

like analytics

but just for wordpress

and related posts

to drive traffic from one post to another

and then optimal tital


and also sitemap generator

to get better google placement


3:47 PM and i deleted all your themes

cuz there were too many

i hope you are not mad

that i didn

i did that

and then wished i hadn’t

cuz i didn’t know if you had work in there

and right now i am upgrading you to the newest version of wordpress

3:48 PM sound good?

i hope its ok

I love Harper because his rambling apology\wish I wouldn’t have made me laugh.