Interesting Problems
I have been growing out a goatee and mustache, it is awesome. I have, however, noticed something that I hadn’t considered and am now h aving to figure out.
- Washing it: I never really thought about washing facial hair seeing as had I have never had any before. How does one wash it? With shampoo or soap? If you wash it with shampoo do you use conditioner afterwards? So confusing.
- Getting stuff in it: I have been sick for a couple of weeks and have noticed that whenever I blow my nose I need an extra tissue to pat on my ‘stache to ensure that it is clean and clear of mucous. Gross.
- Being hot: Lets face it facial hair is hot, not temperature hot but god damn that boy is good looking hot. How do I deal with my new found hotness, just pretend that it isn’t there or tell people about it? Help
So there are my questions, please help.
Thank You Fukung