Craigslist facts
As I mentioned previously we have started using craigslist for listing our vacant properties. The week before we started the referral breakdown for our site was this:
- (direct): 66.01%
- 1.70%
- Yahoo:2.55%
- Google:21.81%
- Other: 7.94%
Then first week of craigslist:
- (direct): 48.72%
- Craigslist:18.65%
- Google:13.52%
- Adwords:5.59%
- Other:9.56%
So far this week:
- Craigslist:33.25%
- (direct):32.19%
- Google:15.04%
- Adwords: 4.75%
- Other:11.35%
Basically craigslist is quickly becoming the top referrer for our website. The fact that we are now getting more visitors from craigslist then from any other source is crazy. We have our web address all over Greeley and in the newspaper as well as on the newspapers website, and we are still getting more visits from craigslist. Having never really used craigslist prior to this I wasn’t prepared for the crazy way that it works, as well as the quickness in which it has taken over our referrals. I think I will put my Scooter up this weekend and hope for the best.